Modern sky-almost-scrapers, vintage vignettes, ill-treated veterans huddling for warmth...Downtown Los Angeles seemed the ideal setting for a session with Slaughterhouse Five. I also decided to experience all the decades of my life - plus a few of yours in my ensemble. Because I like to wear my over-achiever tendencies like a badge. Minus the badge. (Unless it's, like, super kitschy and eighteen different kinds of adorable - then I'm totally in. Obviously.)
Just waiting for the Tralfamadorians. They’ve always taken so long to pick me up this time.
Glass case. Emotions. Meh.
The Outfit: Dress: Vintage Onesie: Kate Young for Target Hat: Vintage Shoes: ShoeMint Ring: JewelMint
The Book: Slaughterhouse Five - Kurt Vonnegut