Hot guy in my class at Equinox! Yesssss.
Hot guy takes the spot right next to me! Swoon.
Hot guy has a very effeminate stance. Um ok, that can be altered.
Hot guy is possibly dating the male instructor of my class. Figures.
Hot gay guy is much better at all the exercises than I am. Fine. I can match that. Maybe. Ouch. Kind of. Oof. Nevermind. Ugh.
Hot gay guy walks with me to the back of the room to grab weights. Sweet. Maybe we can be BFFs.
Hot gay guy stares at the weights I grab. F. Apparently we are not going to be BFFs. STOP JUDGING ME AND MY OVERALL ATHLETIC WEAKNESS.
This class went downhill quickly.
Equinox Creepin'
Straight as an arrow.